Who Are You? The Importance of Branding.

Hello friends!

I was going to type...."Well, it's 9:30 pm and I've just climbed the stairs for a few minutes to myself before I put my kid to bed.....," but I realized that I often begin my blogs with the time of day and the fact that I'm stealing a few minutes of solitude in between play dates and bath time.

Ode to Michelle Pescosolido

So it's 7 pm on the nose, and I've just snuck upstairs to do some work.  This is my second post on this blog, and I'm actually pretty excited to see where this site will go.  As you may know, I also have another, more causal blog.....okay a lot more casual blog....called The Tight Ass Train (ya, long story), and I'm keen to develop this one too.

So why an Ode to Michelle Pescosolido?   And who the heck is Michelle Pescosolido anyway?

Jo Marketer Makes its Debut!

Welcome to Jo Marketer!

Maybe you've visited my other blogs and websites, maybe this is the first time you've visited a Jody Zarn site.  Whatever the case may be, welcome!

My name is Jody Zarn and I call myself a Jack of all Trades, Master of Lots.  Over the years I've done a variety of jobs.  I've been a rifle instructor, a tree planter, and a project manager.  I was the first female hired on the maintenance crew of a crude oil pipeline, and I've also been a teacher.  I've sold shoes and now I sell shakes.