Whooo Hooo! Did you say free!!
Everyone loves that word, don't we. FREE!! As soon as we hear it we know we're in for something special, because, let's face it, today everything costs money!
And network marketing is no different. In fact, it can be down right expensive.
I guess that's why the unfortunate statistic exists: Roughly 97% of all network marketers will spend themselves out of business within their first year.
Scary eh.
This fact, combined with the fact that many people who enter the field of network marketing don't have an over abundance of money to begin with--can make it even more daunting. Many of us who have picked this profession are often doing it because we've been laid off, we need a second income to survive, or we are unable to go to a traditional 9-5 job. So maybe, the money just isn't there.
But, it alllll costs money. Website, courses, clubs, programs, memberships--business in general is pricey.
However, there are a few ways you can get started in this business without breaking the bank, and I'd like to share them with you. I'm all about a deal!
Check it out!
1) Use free blogging sites to brand yourself as an expert and build relationships. Wordpress and Google Blogger come to mind. (I use Google Blogger and love how easy it is to manage.) Blogging has become a popular way to share valuable content with your audience and connect with people. And don't be afraid to try it if you aren't an experienced writer. Write from the heart and you will succeed.
2) Use Twitter to share your content and connect with people quickly and frequently. Consistency is the key, and this is a great way to reach a large audience when you are strapped for time.
3) Build a Facebook Fan Page to share your content, and build your online store. Facebook Fan Pages have the capability to let you build landing pages where you can promote your products and services and direct your audience to your website. It's like having your own mini-store right on Facebook.
4) Attend local meet-up groups. Let's face it, much of network marketing is about....well...networking, so a fantastic way to reach your target market is to get out of the house and start attending events where your market will be. And remember, don't pitch pitch pitch!! Focus on getting to know people, hearing their stories, and building relationships and you will be on the right track.
5) Wear a "Ask me how to make money from home" (or something like that) T-shirt. (Ray Higdon is the guy to thank for this idea). It's a genius idea to get people talking to your opportunity without having to bug them.
6) Make YouTube videos. This is actually a fantastic way to reach your audience, brand yourself as an expert, and let people get to know you.....for free! YouTube is a HIGHLY used search engine, and is owned by Google, so it's a fantastic way to reach your market. And again, don't worry if you aren't as polished in front of the camera as Oprah, the key is to be genuine and sincere. You'll get better with practice. There are actually some neat tricks of the trade to making videos, and I'll post about that soon. If you're curious right now though, use the contact form to get a hold of me and I can help you out!
7) Take advantage of all the free training you can get your hands on. Sure, there are some great courses out there for a few hundred bucks (Michelle Pescosolido's Social Media Mastery is one of them), but there is a TON of free training that can get you on your way. Take advantage of it-that's what it's there for! If you check out the Resources Page at the top of this page you will see some resources there that can help get you on your way--and most of them are free or super cheap. Yep, I'm all about the deal.
Okay, I'll say it again. I'm all about the deal. I have no intentions of being one of those marketers who spend themselves out of money. I will spend, but I will spend wisely. And I will also do whatever I can that is free, because there are some great ways to still build relationships without breaking the bank.
I want you to succeed. I want to help you. I think it's time that we, the newcomers to the field, start banding together and start empowering each other. If you want to join my team, and work with me to create a strong group of marketers who are excited about learning and growing together, then please contact me. It's about empowerment.
If you liked this post, please comment and share. And be sure to include your website link so we can help each other create backlinks to our sites. Let's start supporting each other!!
Photos courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net (Stuart Miles).