Inbox me!
Wanna hook up?
Call me!
Ya, you get it don't you. You've dated those guys and gals, who as soon as you go on your first date, they look passionately in your eyes and whisper those fateful words........fifteen times...."Call me!"
Disturbing? Yes.
Attractive? No.
So why do we market that way!! We get oh so excited about our product, and then we go nuts!! Take a look look at this quick video I made that talks about this desperate type of marketing, and how you can avoid making this mistake!
Don't be the desperate girlfriend or boyfriend. Save yourself!!
Instead, click on these links that can take you to some incredibly FREE training that can help get you started marketing in a way that will enable you to position yourself as an expert and draw people to your world.
Click here to take advantage of some fabulous FREE Facebook Training.
Click here to take advantage of a 7 Day FREE Marketing Bootcamp.
Both are a must have!
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Work with me: ViSalus Sciences