So this morning I logged on to watch a great video by Ray Higdon, the master himself. He is the master, isn't he. He's just a real guy who went through some tough times and was able to pick himself up, use the skills he had and build a thriving business. That's something I respect.
Today he talked about something called the "pressure cooker." We've all been there. I know I have. You know, the time when you experience some sort of pain or discomfort, which drives you to make changes in your life, whether it's in the health or fitness area, or in your business life. I've sometimes referred to it as my "rock bottum" when it comes to weight loss. You know, that moment when your jeans don't fit and you think, wow, I've got to do something! Or that moment when your cheque for car repairs bounces and it hits you that you need to find another way to bring some money into your life. That pressure cooker situation pushes us forward to take action! We hop on the treadmill, we send the resume out, we get going! ......for a while....until the pressure wears off. We lose the weight.....and gradually get comfortable with life again, and lose momentum. I've done it. I think, what the heck, I've lost 6lbs, what's one tiny piece of cake going to hurt! And one tiny piece of cake turns into two, and it turns into pizza and chips..and before you know it I've spent 6 hours with my head poked in a chip bag, while stuffing chocolate bars into my mouth between chips!
Back to the pressure cooker we go!
However, as Ray explains, wouldn't it be better to stop continally being pushed or driven into action by pain or discomfort and rather be pulled by moving toward the life you really want? Wouldn't it be better to create a vision of what your ultimate dreams and goals are, and let that pull you into action. Be pulled by a positive force, rather than negativity.
This message really resonates with me, because I have found over the years that it is so easy to let negativity rule the roost. It's so easy to focus on what we loathe about ourselves, or about our lives and let that negative self-talk permeate our existence. To me, negativity is like cancer or a plague of sorts. It spreads to every facet of our life, affecting our attitudes and our behaviours too. It's contagious as well. If we surround ourselves with negative thinkers, it isn't long before we see the world in a more negative light as well. And let's face it, it's pretty hard to find success if we're looking for failure around every corner.
Today, let the positive forces surround you! Create your vision of what you truly want your life to be about. Can you picture it in your mind? What does it feel like to have achieved your goals, no matter what they are. It feels good doesn't it. Revel in that feeling and let that pull you forward into motion. Surround yourself with positivity and create the momentum of success.
If you want to find success with your business, heck your life, the first thing you need to do is figure out exactly what you want. What does success look like? Be specific. Make your own vision board and find pictures that illustrate what it is that you want. Create your vision, open yourself up to the possibilities, and then take action!
I'll leave Ray's video below if you'd like to take a look at it. It's good!
As well, if you are feeling frustrated with your own business and are not sure where to turn, check out this link! I work with a team of great people and can help you create your own success!
Have a great day, my friends!