What I Really Think About Having an MLM Home Business...

In my other non-business life I am a runner. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm a particularly fast runner, I'd say more of a "middle of the pack" kind of gal.  I plod along with my tunes, loving the sense of peace that spending a few hours with just myself can bring.

Years ago, when I was going to university to get a second degree I sold shoes at a major running store in Canada.  By day a scholar, by night a shoe salesperson, running coach.  I had the opportunity to meet runners in all shapes and sizes, training for various events--ranging from a 5k to an ultra-marathon. 

They would come into the store carrying their stories and accomplishments like badges.  Personal bests just hit, first races just run.  These were life changing events, and together we rejoiced and together we embraced the act of pushing ourselves past a limit we feared we could not reach. 

I always tell people, running is 20% physical sport, 80% mental game. If you don't have your mind in the right shape, you'll never see the results you are striving for. You have got to be focused, driven, confident, and above all, able to imagine and taste victory with every step you take.

And as I plod along now, running a different kind of race, an MLM marathon of sorts, my old advice often comes to mind.  Part of the success with this business is simply just staying in the game, and that in itself requires a mental fortitude and sense of drive that we just don't see every day.  No, we don't see it every day with others, yet we ourselves need to muster up some of that good stuff to push ourselves to the limits that achieving results require.  

And our race is often a lonely road, laden with doubts and speed bumps, challenges and fears.  Our friends shake their heads in wonder as we make sales calls and attend conferences.  We scrape our knees with rejection and still we get up and try again.  The race must be won, and so we run.

As days become weeks our family cheers us along as we hit milestones and gain a bit of speed.  Our sense of desperation is gradually replaced by a sense of confidence as leads become clients, and hopes become testimonials.  

Every day we push.  We have good days and we have bad days.  We push the self doubt to the back of the room as we prepare for battle, stretching our limbs and spreading our wings.  

We keep working.

We are runners, we are warriors.

We are network marketers.

Are you ready to start winning your own MLM Race?  If the answer is YES, click here and take your first step to transforming your business!