Whooo Hooo! Did you say free!!
Everyone loves that word, don't we. FREE!! As soon as we hear it we know we're in for something special, because, let's face it, today everything costs money!
And network marketing is no different. In fact, it can be down right expensive.
I guess that's why the unfortunate statistic exists: Roughly 97% of all network marketers will spend themselves out of business within their first year.
Scary eh.
This fact, combined with the fact that many people who enter the field of network marketing don't have an over abundance of money to begin with--can make it even more daunting. Many of us who have picked this profession are often doing it because we've been laid off, we need a second income to survive, or we are unable to go to a traditional 9-5 job. So maybe, the money just isn't there.
But, it alllll costs money. Website, courses, clubs, programs, memberships--business in general is pricey.
However, there are a few ways you can get started in this business without breaking the bank, and I'd like to share them with you. I'm all about a deal!
Check it out!
1) Use free blogging sites to brand yourself as an expert and build relationships. Wordpress and Google Blogger come to mind. (I use Google Blogger and love how easy it is to manage.) Blogging has become a popular way to share valuable content with your audience and connect with people. And don't be afraid to try it if you aren't an experienced writer. Write from the heart and you will succeed.
2) Use Twitter to share your content and connect with people quickly and frequently. Consistency is the key, and this is a great way to reach a large audience when you are strapped for time.
3) Build a Facebook Fan Page to share your content, and build your online store. Facebook Fan Pages have the capability to let you build landing pages where you can promote your products and services and direct your audience to your website. It's like having your own mini-store right on Facebook.
4) Attend local meet-up groups. Let's face it, much of network marketing is about....well...networking, so a fantastic way to reach your target market is to get out of the house and start attending events where your market will be. And remember, don't pitch pitch pitch!! Focus on getting to know people, hearing their stories, and building relationships and you will be on the right track.
5) Wear a "Ask me how to make money from home" (or something like that) T-shirt. (Ray Higdon is the guy to thank for this idea). It's a genius idea to get people talking to your opportunity without having to bug them.
6) Make YouTube videos. This is actually a fantastic way to reach your audience, brand yourself as an expert, and let people get to know you.....for free! YouTube is a HIGHLY used search engine, and is owned by Google, so it's a fantastic way to reach your market. And again, don't worry if you aren't as polished in front of the camera as Oprah, the key is to be genuine and sincere. You'll get better with practice. There are actually some neat tricks of the trade to making videos, and I'll post about that soon. If you're curious right now though, use the contact form to get a hold of me and I can help you out!
7) Take advantage of all the free training you can get your hands on. Sure, there are some great courses out there for a few hundred bucks (Michelle Pescosolido's Social Media Mastery is one of them), but there is a TON of free training that can get you on your way. Take advantage of it-that's what it's there for! If you check out the Resources Page at the top of this page you will see some resources there that can help get you on your way--and most of them are free or super cheap. Yep, I'm all about the deal.
Okay, I'll say it again. I'm all about the deal. I have no intentions of being one of those marketers who spend themselves out of money. I will spend, but I will spend wisely. And I will also do whatever I can that is free, because there are some great ways to still build relationships without breaking the bank.
I want you to succeed. I want to help you. I think it's time that we, the newcomers to the field, start banding together and start empowering each other. If you want to join my team, and work with me to create a strong group of marketers who are excited about learning and growing together, then please contact me. It's about empowerment.
If you liked this post, please comment and share. And be sure to include your website link so we can help each other create backlinks to our sites. Let's start supporting each other!!
Photos courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net (Stuart Miles).
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.
– Napoleon Hill
How to Achieve Your Goals
Welcome to your daily dose of inspiration! It's a wonderful day today, and I'm feeling great, so today I'd like to share a story with you that will show you just how powerful your mind and heart are when it comes to achieving your goals. It will show you that it is indeed possible to do the impossible.
I won't say a word more about it. You just have to watch.
And if you liked this video, please comment and share! Let's spread some inspiration around the world!
Work with Jody: MLSP
Images courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net (Renjith Krishnan)
I won't say a word more about it. You just have to watch.
And if you liked this video, please comment and share! Let's spread some inspiration around the world!
Work with Jody: MLSP
Images courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net (Renjith Krishnan)
The Answer to the Almighty Question: How to Brand Yourself...
Important stuff eh.
And yeah, it is important.
And maybe the most daunting task too, especially for a new network marketer.
I think we've all been at that point in our career, fresh out of the "Get Started Training", bright eyed and bushy tailed, keen to succeed, wet behind the ears, unsure of which path to get started on.
We feel like we've just been popped out of the cookie cutter, the same type of promoter as Joe from the challenge party, and exactly like Sally down the street.
We're not entirely sure what we have to offer that's really different, and although Mike The Guru Dillard has told us that we need to be alpha-leaders and experts in the field, we're not just entirely sure how to go about that.
We read on the blogs that we need to brand ourselves, we learn in the webinars that we need to brand ourselves, but what the heck does all that mean?
I'll tell you what it means.
It means that we need to create ourselves.
You see, here's the deal. I'm going to be real with you, because I think that is what you and I both need.
Let's face it, many of us who get into this business don't have one hot clue about marketing. Sure, we've done other things over the years, but maybe the whole world of SEO, Capture Pages, Lead Generation, Funnel Creation is as foreign as it comes. We start out not really having a clear idea of what exactly we personally do have to offer, nor are we confident that we actually do have anything to offer. It's an easy dilemma.
It's also easy to understand how our self-confidence and faith in an abundant future may falter at times, as this is a business where success is not always easily measured, or identified. It's easy to feel like we're just Jo Schmo with nothing to offer, just an ordinary loser who will never amount to bugger all.
But you see, that is the whole point. If you think that you're just Jo Schmo who isn't going to amount to bugger all, then that is exactly who you are, and will continue to be!
From this point forward, you must determine who you want to be, and decide to be that person.
Success is about creating who you want to be. Great leaders aren't popped out of the womb with a gaggle of followers, leaning into their every word. They are masters of invention, with the first invention being themselves.
So, if you want to be an expert, then be an expert. Visualize your persona and then set about making it happen. Yes, it will take some work, some personal development, and some inner growth and reflection, but isn't it what this business is all about?
Don't be Jo Schmo who amounts to bugger all. You're better than that.
Check out my video where I talk about this in more detail:
If you're ready to stop being a Jo Schmo, click here to join a fantastic team that can get you on your way!
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Work With Jody: MLSP
Images courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net (Suwit Ritjaroon)
Finding Your Network Marketing Success
That, my friends, is my lesson of the day.
So here's my story.
Every Wednesday I crawl into bed and log into the MLSP weekly Wednesday webinar. I grab a coke and a snack and I settle in for some really great content. It's like going to school, but still being able to wear your pj's. It's great!
After this Wednesday's webinar they told us about a special contest that they were holding where people could submit a short video showing how MLSP had changed their lives, and the winner (chosen by which one got the most "likes") won 2 VIP tickets to their Live the Dream event in Dallas, Texas.
So I thought, what the heck, I'll enter.
And so I did.
I spent the next hour or so (still in bed in the dark, with my kid snoring beside me) putting my video together, telling my MLSP story. And in telling my story I came to terms with some of my past reflections about being in this whole network marketing business. It ain't easy. I won't for a second delude you into thinking that it's a picnic, and that once you sign up you'll be a millionaire by tomorrow.
And so today I put together a little video that talks about these thoughts.
The video is below, as well as the link to view my contest video. I'll be honest. I'm vain enough to want you to watch my video and hear my story, but honestly, I don't have the $$ for airfare, and I'm sure there will be a ton of great entries anyway. Just hear my story. And I''ll be happy!
Have a great day my friends.
Work with me-- ViSalus Sciences
How to Avoid Making one of the BIGGEST MLM Mistakes!
Call me!!
Inbox me!
Wanna hook up?
Call me!
Ya, you get it don't you. You've dated those guys and gals, who as soon as you go on your first date, they look passionately in your eyes and whisper those fateful words........fifteen times...."Call me!"
Disturbing? Yes.
Attractive? No.
So why do we market that way!! We get oh so excited about our product, and then we go nuts!! Take a look look at this quick video I made that talks about this desperate type of marketing, and how you can avoid making this mistake!
Don't be the desperate girlfriend or boyfriend. Save yourself!!
Instead, click on these links that can take you to some incredibly FREE training that can help get you started marketing in a way that will enable you to position yourself as an expert and draw people to your world.
Click here to take advantage of some fabulous FREE Facebook Training.
Click here to take advantage of a 7 Day FREE Marketing Bootcamp.
Both are a must have!
If you liked this post please comment and share!!
Work with me: ViSalus Sciences
Inbox me!
Wanna hook up?
Call me!
Ya, you get it don't you. You've dated those guys and gals, who as soon as you go on your first date, they look passionately in your eyes and whisper those fateful words........fifteen times...."Call me!"
Disturbing? Yes.
Attractive? No.
So why do we market that way!! We get oh so excited about our product, and then we go nuts!! Take a look look at this quick video I made that talks about this desperate type of marketing, and how you can avoid making this mistake!
Don't be the desperate girlfriend or boyfriend. Save yourself!!
Instead, click on these links that can take you to some incredibly FREE training that can help get you started marketing in a way that will enable you to position yourself as an expert and draw people to your world.
Click here to take advantage of some fabulous FREE Facebook Training.
Click here to take advantage of a 7 Day FREE Marketing Bootcamp.
Both are a must have!
If you liked this post please comment and share!!
Work with me: ViSalus Sciences
End the Frustration Finding MLM Prospects
It wears me out just talking about it.
If you're in the position right now where you're feeling a big frustrated, then check out this video. Last night a guy by the name of Adam John Chandler put things into perspective for me. In a fantastic webinar he talked about the 90/10 rule and how it can propel you further toward your success, simply by ensuring that you have the right mindset.
Take a look:
Click here to join a proactive marketing team that will not only give you insane training to help you explode your business, but a whole host of fantastic affiliate products to earn commissions from promoting!!
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Work with me-- ViSalus Sciences
Is ViSalus a Scam?
I was chatting with a fellow network marketer the other day and we agreed that sometimes when we tell others that we are network marketers, it might be easier to tell them that we have an STD.
Alas, I am a fallen woman, because I have a bad case of MLM-ifilis. Yes, I practiced unprotected marketing! I have been infected with the desire to connect with other infected individuals and spread this virus!
Maybe in a way you could say it's "catchy!"
There are so many preconceived notions out there about network marketing companies that many people cringe at the mere mention of a network marketing business, and usually blurt out the inevitable, "But that's a pyramid scheme, right!"
People assume that we have been duped into thinking that we'll get rich quick, and that not only will we be stalking them to death to buy our stuff, that anyone who joins such a cult will have their finances sucked dry and their reputations tarnished....for good.
So, let's get a few things straight.
- Network marketing is a business, not a game show or a lottery. I go to work, I connect with people, and I help people. I do not ask everyone with a pulse to join my company. In fact, I treat recruiting as an employer who is looking for staff. I interview people who I think might be suitable for this kind of position, and do not feel that just anyone is right for the job. This takes certain skills and aptitudes that just not everyone possesses.
- Just like every business on the planet, this business requires people to follow a certain process to achieve success. And, like all of the other industries out there, the field of network marketing has changed very drastically over the last 15 years, so the kinds of things that network marketers were doing 15 or 20 years ago are not the same kinds of things that many network marketers are doing nowadays. The industry is changing, and to be successful, we need to adapt with the times.
- In order to be successful in this arena, it is important to be open to trying new ventures and looking at business differently. In her book, The Renegade Marketer, Ann Sieg points out how important it is to diversify your business. In essence, it is not a good idea to have all of your "income eggs" in one basket, and rely solely on one source of income to live on. If that one solitary source of income crashes for whatever reason, you do not want to be left empty handed. It is always a good idea to generate multiple sources of income so that if one fails, or doesn't generate the amount of income you were hoping for, then you aren't completely ruined. Great ways to generate multiple sources of income include participating in affiliate programs, or investing in multiple mlm companies.
So, to answer your question, is ViSalus (or any other network marketing company) a scam?
The scam lies in people's perceptions. If you go into a venture thinking that you only need to do one thing, and you will be rich in 5 days or less, then yes, maybe you're heart will be broken.
If, however, you approach this industry like it should be approached--with the attitude that if you work hard, educate yourself about marketing strategies, and have realistic expectations about what you will in achieve in a certain time frame, you will do well.
If this resonates with you, read on. I have found a remarkable mlm opportunity that fits nicely into this type of thinking. It's called Ready Built Downline. Basically it is a group of people who join mlm companies en mass, so their downlines are already created. When the group joins the second company, your upline becomes your downline, and you can reap the benefits of a solid downline. It's a genius idea!
If you are interested in learning more about this venture, please click here to contact me. I only promote ventures I believe in, and I think that this can be a very good way to generate some good income. And remember, it's about diversifying!!
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Work with me--ViSalus Sciences
Image(s): Freedigitalphotos.net (Stuart Miles)
One of the Best Network Marketing Tools You Can Arm Yourself With
You wouldn't walk into battle unprepared, without arming yourself with an arsenal of tools and weapons to get the job done, would you. You wouldn't last very long if you did.
So why then, do we go to battle in our daily lives, the war of the workforce without equipping ourselves with the weapons or tools to get the job done?
It doesn't make a lick of sense!
In any job you apply for, you are either pre-trained for it in college, university, or some sort of trade school, or you are trained on the job. Mechanics don't fumble their way through an engine to randomly try to figure out how to make the car run, hair stylists don't start cutting and coloring hair without first getting some training about their field, so why oh why do network marketers seem to jump into this business, feet first without knowing anything about what they're doing!
I'll tell you why.
It's because we are led to believe that anyone can do it.
We go to big revival events, often held at hotels and conference centers, that are filled to the brim with changed lives and testimonials. We are entranced with speeches about riches being delivered to our doorstep instantly, prizes too. We walk away thinking that we too can make our fortune in five days or less, and it doesn't matter that we know next to nothing about marketing.
We have a recorded message for people to call. We have a dvd.
Do I claim that those who say that anyone can succeed in the network marketing business are wrong? No, not at all.
I just think that success is always a more realistic future for people if they are armed with the right tools. Let's face it, we all have different lives, comfort levels, and skills, so it is always a good thing to be armed with weaponry that can aide you in the type of marketing tactics you wish to employ. With the emergence of social media into our daily lives there are a whole host of different strategies at our fingertips to help us reach the masses, so why depend on only one thing?
Well, my friends, here is another tool that you can take to battle with you.
It's called a system. And it will save your marketing life.
You see, one of the most common reasons why I think we all fail and struggle is that we don't have a solid system. We market randomly, posting a link here, sending an email there, with really no rhyme or reason to our game plan.
And that's exactly what we need: a game plan.
Here are some basic things that you should know about developing your game plan:
- It isn't a bad idea to practice both online and offline marketing strategies. Find ways to reach out and connect with people in both arenas. Don't be afraid to get involved in different offline groups and make connections with the people you meet there.
- Good ways to connect with others as well as position yourself as an expert in your field include writing articles, blog posts, creating a Facebook Fan Page, or shooting Youtube videos. Create content every day where you are sharing your knowledge and insights with your people. Make yourself accessible to your people.
- Start building your "list". All marketers need a list--and this is a list of people who allow you to email them on a fairly regular basis. Use these emails to offer value to them so they are excited to see what you have to say each time you send an email. This is a fantastic way to build and strengthen relationships with people.
- Great ways to build your list include offering free things where people "opt in" to get something of value for their email address. They get great content and you get a chance to communicate with them further. There are some fantastic affiliate programs out there where you can use their "free" gifts (webinars, video training sessions, ebooks) and build your list.
- Focus on one or two marketing strategies rather than trying to conquer the world, and be consistent. Create content on a regular basis so you can build strong connections with the people who are viewing your fan page and reading your blog posts. Consistency is the key.
The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to think about what you enjoy doing, and what you are good at. Develop a plan of action where you are creating content that offers value to people and building strong relationships with people. Do this every day. Work at it.
I understand that one of the worst feelings in the world when you're just starting out as a new network marketer is that looming sense of overwhelm. It can almost knock a person over. Where to start, what to do, it's a lot to take in.
It doesn't have to be that way though. You don't have to be one of the 97% of network marketers who quit or fail.
If you are ready to build your system and plan of attack, then why not do it with a great team of experts who can give you all the tools you need to succeed. Time is money, and this will ensure that you market yourself in a way that is going to ensure you have success....without wasting a lot of time, or money.
Click here to take the first step to creating your winning plan of attack.
Trust me, you won't regret it.
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Work with Me-- ViSalus Sciences
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Learning the Key to Network Marketing Recruiting
I've been learning a lot from the masters these days. Ray Higdon, Michelle Pescosolido, Mark Harbert, Frank Merino. Here is one great lesson that hit home with me......
There is such a thing as talking too much.
How to Succeed with Your New MLM Company
And just like a cold, the virus can sneak up on us, when we are least expecting it. We surround ourselves with the infected ones, share a story, enjoy a cup of coffee, and little by little their germs become our germs. We feel the same way they do, we act the same way.
What I Really Think About Having an MLM Home Business...
In my other non-business life I am a runner. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm a particularly fast runner, I'd say more of a "middle of the pack" kind of gal. I plod along with my tunes, loving the sense of peace that spending a few hours with just myself can bring.
Creating a Business Vision

Blogging Tips and Ideas
Developing Your Successful Lead Funnel
That's what I felt when I started getting knee deep in the sea of network markting. At times I couldn't help but wonder, what the heck had I gotten myself into? Maybe this was all just some big mistake.....like the time I invested in that vacuum thing that claimed to cut hair.....but that's another story.
Attraction Marketing: Offer Value
Hope you are having a wonderful day wherever you are. I once heard a motivational speaker say that if he woke up in the morning and there wasn't a chalk line around him, he knw it was going to be a goooood day! I like that mantra!
Network Marketing Secret Lingo
I just actually finished watching a cute video where David Letterman interviews Justin Bieber. I never used to be a Bieber fan, but I watched his documentary/movie about a month ago, and fell instantly in love with the dude. Does it matter that I'm old enough to be his mother? Achem...well....anyway.
Attraction Marketing
Take a look!
Why you might fail with a direct selling company
Hello friends!
Hope you are all doing well today. I'm sipping a coffee and thinking about some of my colleagues, so I thought I'd write a post about something that's been on my mind lately.
Who Are You? The Importance of Branding.
I was going to type...."Well, it's 9:30 pm and I've just climbed the stairs for a few minutes to myself before I put my kid to bed.....," but I realized that I often begin my blogs with the time of day and the fact that I'm stealing a few minutes of solitude in between play dates and bath time.
Ode to Michelle Pescosolido
So why an Ode to Michelle Pescosolido? And who the heck is Michelle Pescosolido anyway?
Jo Marketer Makes its Debut!
Maybe you've visited my other blogs and websites, maybe this is the first time you've visited a Jody Zarn site. Whatever the case may be, welcome!
My name is Jody Zarn and I call myself a Jack of all Trades, Master of Lots. Over the years I've done a variety of jobs. I've been a rifle instructor, a tree planter, and a project manager. I was the first female hired on the maintenance crew of a crude oil pipeline, and I've also been a teacher. I've sold shoes and now I sell shakes.
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